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Live in care jobs

Articles you might want to read

This will normally be covered on your initial training and sometimes it can seem quite confusing. Let’s make it simple now...

Date created: 21/10/2019

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This is a good question to ask before you accept a placement and it will vary from client to client. If you work through an agency, they will normally brief you on the condition of the client and the amount of care which is needed...

Date created: 16/08/2019

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As a new live-in carer, the thought of caring for a stranger can seen a little daunting. Working for a couple can seen an impossible task and might be something you turn down. Before you refuse that placement of caring for a couple, there are some things you should consider...

Date created: 08/07/2019

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During your training to become a live-in carer you may have heard about the ‘Care Plan.’ ..

Date created: 23/05/2019

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Before you start working as a live-in carer you will have many questions to ask. This is one that is often asked. ..

Date created: 18/04/2019

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So, you’re all sorted for your first placement! Well done! Getting ready to pack and it suddenly hits you that you are not quite sure about your dress code when you get to your client. ..

Date created: 09/04/2019

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If this is your first placement or even if you are making general enquiries about live-in care work, this may well be a question to ask. Do I have to do night calls?..

Date created: 08/04/2019

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