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Live in care jobs

Articles you might want to read

While it is a lovely thought to have a client who is calm and contented all the time, this is not always the case with live-in care. In fact, it is likely to be the exception to the norm in many placements...

Date created: 03/11/2020

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Ideally, live-in carers like their clients to eat. Maybe not huge amounts, but we like to see them eat something. Most of the time this will happen, although occasionally you may arrive at a placement where the client simply does not eat much...

Date created: 03/11/2020

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Having a client fall over is possibly one of the worst things that can happen in the daily life of a live-in carer. Apart from your client actually dying, finding them on the floor or elsewhere is the worst feeling in the world...

Date created: 03/11/2020

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It is the dream of every live-in carer to arrive at a placement where all goes well – the client is delightful, the house is a dream, and the neighbours are just great! Getting back to ‘real life’ we find that things may not turn out this way...

Date created: 03/11/2020

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Through the months of lockdown and isolation many live-in carers have found that they were living with the same client all year with no break or change of carer...

Date created: 07/10/2020

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Many agencies these days are suggesting that live-in carers have their own insurance. This is because many clients and their families are asking for the carer to be covered in case of a misfortune...

Date created: 06/10/2020

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Most clients that a live-in carer will stay with are sympathetic to other religions. In fact, as a live-in carer you may often find that you are allowed extra time off to attend your own church if you so choose to...

Date created: 08/09/2020

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When we head off to a client to take care of them, we automatically assume that we will be paid. This is normally arranged in advance. Such things as night calls and break time is also covered in our job description...

Date created: 08/09/2020

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In an ideal world, handovers always go smoothly. We plan our travels and the incoming carer arrives on time. We do our handover and get on our way...

Date created: 05/08/2020

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Right now, with the coronavirus getting a grip on countries, there are many live-in carers who find themselves displaced. In a ‘normal’ situation an incoming carer returns and the previous live-in carer heads home or to another placement. ..

Date created: 15/04/2020

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