
What’s the best agency to work with?

What’s the best agency to work with?

When you first think about becoming a live-in carer, the question you may ask is about the agency you work with. There are many live-in care agencies to choose from, and it may seem daunting at first to decide which one to choose.

Before you commit yourself to one agency, there are points you may want to think about.


Where are they based?

Once you have signed up with an agency, you may be required to carry out update training every year. You need to know where you will be doing this and whether you can easily get there.

Most agencies who offer update training will provide you with accommodation at a fee, although you will have to find your own way there.

If you only want to work in the London area because it is convenient, then an agency who holds update training in Scotland may not work and you should look for one nearer to where you want to stay.


How much work can they offer?

Everyone is different in the amount of work they would like. It will help if you have an idea of how much you want to work.

Some carers want several months at a time, while others prefer short trips with time off in between. You need to find an agency who does not have a problem with your work schedule, otherwise you may find that you do not get as much work as you would like.


Your own support team or person

At some time or other you will need to discuss things with someone who knows more about it than you do. This is what your team or support person is there for. Are they readily available? Can you contact them at the weekend if you need to?

It will be very helpful if you have a dedicated team or person to talk to about your booking and any problems you may have. It is important that you do not feel that you are simply being passed around the office to the first person available.

Having a list of names that you can call will go a long way to making you more comfortable in your placement.


Self-employed or PAYE?

Many live-in carers prefer to be self-employed. There are some agencies who will supply you with bookings on this basis, while other agencies will only hire you as PAYE. It is up to you to work out the best way for you to accept bookings and make sure that the agency works the same way.

Some agencies will give you the option of either method, so you should ask this question in the early stages of discussion.


The reputation

This is very important. Carers talk about companies they like and dislike. Join a forum and ask those questions. You will find a myriad of answers, most of them will be helpful and help you decide.

If most of the answers are negative, you may want to stay away from that agency, even if they have offered you a good deal. Remember that there is no smoke without fire, and some agencies are simply not as good as others.

Don't be afraid to check out the agency and ask questions. They should be willing to answer you as openly as possible. If not, avoid them, and move on to another one. There are plenty of agencies to choose from, so take your time and make the right decision.



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