
The whole family want to visit us – I don’t like this

During this time of the coronavirus there have been many stringent rules about what we as live-in carers can and cannot do. In fact, there have been so many changes to these regulations that sometimes it can get confusing.

So, while you are dealing with all the restrictions and rules, as well as managing to keep your client safe and yourself infection free, the family drop a bombshell to say that they would all like to come down to see mom for the weekend. They don’t mind where they sleep, and they will only stay two nights.

This is enough to drive you dippy because as the carer for your client, you’ve just spent the last ten weeks keeping them safe.

While it would be great for them to see mom again, you know that it is not the right thing for them to do.

What should you do?

Your first thought should be that you try to dissuade them from coming all at once, and from staying over the weekend.

If family visit one at a time it will be easier for you to keep things disinfected and clean. You will be as in control of the situation as is possible.

While you will be left with washing down all surfaces, it is easier to watch one person than a whole family.

Discuss the issue with one of the family members and explain your point of view. You’ve done your best to keep yourself and mom healthy, you simply cannot know for sure the health condition of anyone who enters the house.

If this approach does not work?

If you get no joy from family and they are still insisting they come down, perhaps try to shorten the visit to just an afternoon. While this is not perfect, you can still – to a degree – keep them in one area.

You could isolate yourself in your room while they visit although you will still need to clean and disinfect afterwards, but at least it will be a smaller area and not the entire house.

If you cannot persuade them to do this, then you may have no alternative to call your agency and explain your concerns.

Your agency will be keen for you and your client to keep as healthy as you can and this is a surefire way of passing on the virus, either to you or to your vulnerable client.

The agency may contact the family and explain your concerns as well as give them sound reasons why they should not visit.

They’re coming anyway

If, after your agency has intervened, they are still coming to stay, what should you do? This is a very tricky situation and unfortunately may not have a happy ending.

You may opt to isolate yourself in your room, although you may still have to share the kitchen and bathroom with others.

You will still need to take care of your client, even with family visiting so this will put you in a difficult position.

Possibly the only thing you can reasonably do is to do what you need to for your client, and then isolate yourself, reducing as much social contact as you can with others.

In conclusion

Unfortunately, family sometimes think that they have the right to visit as and when they please, which bearing in mind the situation right now, is not the smartest mindset. There may be nothing you can do about it.

Talking to them may leave them feeling that they are losing control of things with your client, particularly if they have not seen mom for many weeks. You may almost be seen as a threat because you have been there so long.

Opting for a radical move like total isolation will not endear you to them, in fact, they may ask for you to be replaced.

The best thing to do? Wear your mask, wash your hands as you have been doing, and keep away from them as long as possible. With any luck they will change their minds and leave earlier or see common sense and not come at all.



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