
Keep Your Smelly Bin Smelling Fresh

No matter how clean a kitchen is, it is not unusual for the bin to be smelly. This inevitably makes the entire kitchen smell bad and is generally not hygienic if bins are left to smell. 

There are some things that can be done to reduce the smell of the bin and thus keep the kitchen fresh and clean.

Be aware of what goes into it

Recycle when you can and if things cannot be recycled, make sure that are clean and rinsed off before placing them in the bin. What causes the bin to smell is residue of food which, if left at room temperature, starts to rot and smell. 

Many houses have food waste bins where only food meant to be composted is added. These should be emptied as often as possible and washed thoroughly before use again.

Sanitise often

Don't wait until the bin starts to smell before doing anything about it. Make it a daily habit to spritz the sides and lid with an antibacterial cleaner. You will notice an instant change in the smells.

Deep clean frequently

At least once a month, preferably once every two weeks give the bin a deep clean. If possible use a hose pipe to remove any food which had lodged in the base. 

After this use a solution of either bleach in hot water, or if you prefer more natural products, use vinegar, hot water and lemon juice to clean the inside.

Pour the water away and allow the bin to air dry.

Use liners

If you simply add food waste to a bin it will start to smell. Use a bin liner and you will find that the corners are less likely to fill with food matter and smell. Bin liners also prevent leakages. 

If you prefer you can line the base of the bin with kitchen paper and replace this every time the bin is emptied.

Final thoughts

Occasionally, no matter how stringent you have been in cleaning the bin, you may still notice a smell. Sprinkling baking soda inside is a good way to absorb smells. You can also use a few drops of essential oil to give the bin a better smell.




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