
I don’t understand ‘disabled badges’

Information about disabled badges such as who uses them and where they can be used is not a topic you discuss every day. However, you may find yourself at a placement where you need to use one.

Here’s how to display the badge

  • It must be the right way up
  • It must be clearly visible through the windscreen
  • It must be valid and in date

If you need to park in an area where there is a time limit you must always set the time clock on the badge to show that exact limit, no more and no less.

A misuse of the disabled badge can get you a fine of up to £1,000 so it is worth knowing the rules about them.

  • Never give the badge to someone else to borrow
  • Do not use a badge that is expired
  • Don’t use the badge if you’re just waiting and won’t be getting out of the car

Where you can and cannot park

Although you can park on single or double yellow lines for up to three hours, you should not park in a loading and unloading zone.

You must not park on the yellow lines in any off street car parks.

You can park along the street with parking meters and pay-and-display machines for as long as you need to.

You can use disabled parking spaces and parking bays for free with no time limit.

Some myths dispelled

Friends and family can also use the badge

False. They cannot use the badge you and your client are using unless they are driving the car with your client inside it. It cannot be used so that you (without your client in the car) can park closer to the supermarket. The registered name on the badge needs to be in the car if the badge is used.

Only people in wheelchairs can use badges

Not true. Anyone with mobility issues or sight conditions can use the badge. Prosthetics are also acceptable. In fact, anyone who genuinely cannot walk a short distance is eligible for a badge.

With a badge you can park wherever you like

No, you can’t. Even people with badges cannot park on the safety lines at junctions. Loading bays are out of bounds, as is any private land. 

The doctor decides who gets a badge

No, he does not. Your client or representative needs to apply to the local council for the badge. A family doctor cannot do this. There is a questionnaire which must be completed before the badge is issued.

The badge, once issued, lasts for life

Unfortunately, this is not true. The badge expires after three years and a renewal form must be completed and submitted to receive a new badge. It is not automatically renewed so it’s a good idea to write the expiration date down and renew it a few weeks before it expires. If this is not done, the badge will become voided and your client will need to start the whole process again.

To sum up

No matter how tempting it may be to use the badge without your client in the car with you, it is not a good idea to do it. The fines are huge, and you will be responsible for paying them yourself. Some things are simply not worth risking and abusing this much-needed service is one of them.



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