
How to work out measurements without a tape measure

There are times when it may be very difficult to use a changing room to fit clothing. Getting a wheelchair into a small cubicle may be almost impossible so knowing how to measure without trying on clothing is always handy.

You may have heard the saying ‘once around the waist, twice around the neck.’ This is a proportional measurement and one of the most popular ones to use.

What are some of these proportions?

  • The waist is twice the measurement of the neck
  • Length of the foot is the same as the length of the forearm
  • Neck is twice the circumference of the wrist
  • Total height is about the same as 7 head measurements
  • Face length is equal to the length of the hand
  • Height is the same as measuring with arms extended from between fingers on either side
  • Foot size is the same as the measurement around a fist

Final thoughts

Just because your client may be unable to use a changing room, there is no reason not to visit clothing shops. Most proportionate measurements are pretty accurate and a good way to measure a person without undressing.




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