
How to tell if you have an ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenails are more common than many people realise and can be extremely painful. There are some things that can be done to make them less painful.

Normally ingrown toenails happen on the big toes, although you can get them on any toe. The toe will be red and painful and most likely swollen. You may notice that the toenail is curved into the toe.

Signs that show the area is infected are:

  • seeing pus coming out of the area
  • feeling hot and shivery

If you cannot get an appointment at a doctor, you may consider treating the ingrown toenail at home. Here are ways that the GP would possibly suggest to you as first treatments.


  • Soak your foot in warm salt water as this will soften the skin and reduce the likelihood of infection
  • Keep the foot dry for the rest of the day
  • Make sure the shoes you wear are wide and comfortable
  • Take Ibuprofen or paracetamol if needed


  • Cut the toenail, you should leave it to grow out
  • Pick at either the toe or the nail
  • Wear shoes with points or any that are tight

When should you see a doctor?

  • If you have tried to treat it at home and nothing has worked
  • The toe is painful and has pus coming out
  • You are running a temperature and feel either hot or shivery
  • You have diabetes

Your doctor will confirm if you have an ingrown toenail and may give you antibiotics if it is infected. You may be referred to a foot specialist.

What will a podiatrist do?

They may either cut away a part of the nail or remove the entire nail. They will give you an injection to numb the pain while this is carried out.

Final thoughts

Waiting times for podiatrists can be long and not everyone will be referred this way so if you know you have an ingrown toenail you may want to consider seeing a podiatrist privately.



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