While at most placements food is included, there are some placements where you may find that you are given an amount of money and required to do your own shopping. This may be due to vastly differing diets, or simply because your client prefers it that way.
Fortunately, in situations where you are given a food allowance, it is adequate for the time you spend there, but unfortunately, sometimes the carer seems to be given an allowance which seems completely unreal.
There is always an ongoing debate on any carer social media platform about the right amount for a food allowance and you will find that most people have very definite opinions of this amount. However, no matter those opinions, it is the family who agrees on the amount and adds this to your pay.
Here are some tips to eke out that food allowance
- Make a meal plan. Do this as soon as you can so that you are using your allowance effectively right from the start.
- Be realistic. If steak is what you want to eat, then make sure that you can afford it along with breakfast and lunch meals.
- Keep track of what you spend. Make a list before you shop and keep it, along with your receipts. This will give you an idea of what you have spent and where you spent it.
- Reduce waste. If you are at a placement for several weeks you may want to think about using up leftovers in soups and casseroles. If possible, ask for a drawer in the freezer and freeze things for a later date.
- Eat before you shop. This way you will be less inclined to buy junk food and more prepared to shop healthily.
Final thoughts
Fortunately, placements are finite and eventually, you will leave. While it does seem very unfair and somewhat discriminatory that you may receive a food allowance which is inadequate, if you plan carefully, you will use the allowance and none of your own money.
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