
How to stay sane while caring for my client

While we all hope for a sweet, kind client, who is a delight to work for, this is often not the case. Sometimes live-in carers simply do not get along with their clients.

Sometimes clients just do not like other people coming into their homes. For whatever reason, you may find yourself at a placement where you literally think you are going nuts!

What can you do?

What’s driving you dippy?

If you find yourself in the situation where you think your head is going to explode, it is time to analyze the reasons.

Your client’s routine

Many clients have a very rigid routine where things are done at the same time every single day. There is never a change, and there is no variation to this. You, an easy-going carer arrive at the placement to find that you simply cannot cope with this strict routine.

Make a list of every time when you have a little bit of ‘down time.’ You will have some, even if it is only a few minutes every hour. Time to rock your boat! You do not have to live a regimented life, even if your client does. Take a short walk around the garden, pick some flowers, order a book online, call a friend.

As long as you can hear your client, and be there should they need you, do something quick for yourself. This will let your mind know that you are still alive, not bound by a strict routine, and you will feel better. A little like sneaking out of church before the final hymn – it may be wrong, but didn’t it feel good?

Slow mealtimes

There are some clients who literally chew each mouthful 35 times before swallowing! Yes, they do, and it will drive you dippy! You can either sit at the table with them and watch their food congeal into glutinous piles, or you can walk away.

What’s the best things to do? Take advantage of this extra time and walk away. Stay close at hands, read a book, watch the news, knit a few rows on that jumper or anything that pleases you.

You are not required to sit at the table for 45 minutes while your client chews through mashed potato! As long as you are polite about it, you can spend a few minutes doing something for yourself.

The finances

This is often a bugbear with clients. They may give you an amount of money to shop with and then demand to see the change, receipts and the food you have bought. Coming under scrutiny after every shopping trip will get old fast!

Pre-emt this – you know it is going to happen! Having the receipt at hand as soon as you walk in and handing it to your client, along with change will let them know that you have nothing to hide, in fact you’re doing a good job and shopping wisely.

What you should remember is that your client has given you her money to spend, money that she has earned or kept from a pension. She may be wary of you spending it. Be open and truthful. This will let her know that she can trust you, and who knows – she may relax a little.

To sum up

There are going to be many situations in a placement where you think you are going nuts, for one reason or another. The best way to handle this is to change things.

While you may never be able to change your client’s habits, you can certainly take advantage of some situations to have a little more time to yourself.



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