
How to sew a fidget blanket

The idea of a fidget or fiddle blanket is to give someone something to do. They work very well for small children as well as clients who suffer from dementia and simply need something to keep them busy.

They are easy to make yourself, either by hand or by using a sewing machine as it is all about texture, ties, and buttons – in fact anything that gives your client something to do.

How to make a fidget blanket

You will need fabric measuring about 20” x 20”. You can vary this to any size you want but not much smaller than this.

Ideally, you need a stabilizer between the two layers of fabric, such as batting which you should, along with the fabric be able to pick up at a local market. Your blanket should not be completely floppy but also not solid, hence the batting in between upper and lower layers.

What can you add?

Really, anything goes here. You may be able to raid a button jar or sewing box and find zips, ribbons, press studs, buttons and even pieces of Velcro.

Literally, there is no set rule on what to attach to the fidget blanket, as long as it is all firmly attached and does not come off.

Stitch all your bits and pieces onto the top and middle layer, making sure they are all secure.

Place the bottom layer of fabric (right sides together) against the top and the batting and stitch all around, leaving a 3” gap.

Turn the fidget blanket right side out and hand or machine stitch the gap closed. You should then stitch between some of the bits and pieces so that all the pieces of fabric and sewn together. Lightly press if needed and your fidget blanket is ready to be used.

A note here:

Make sure that the blanket can be washed as it will be soiled with regular use.

And the bonus:

Fidget blankets are great to make – you do not even need to be a good needleworker to finish one of them.  



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