
How to remove a splinter

We have all had a splinter at some point in our lives and no doubt there are many ways to remove them, sometimes with no pain and at others leaving a burning sore finger for days.

Fortunately, with correct tools and technique they are easy to remove.


Wash and dry the entire area

This will prevent any infection. Use soap and water and gently pat dry.


Take a look

If needed use a magnifying glass to see the direction that the splinter has entered the body.

If you can see the splinter sticking out, then use tweezers to pull it out. Make sure that you have cleaned them in rubbing alcohol and that you pull it out in the direction it went in.


Never squeeze

Don’t be tempted to squeeze the splinter to make it pop out as this may make it break and some may be left behind.


Use a small needle if needed

If the entire splinter is embedded, you may try using a small needle to remove it. Sterilize it with rubbing alcohol, along with the tweezers.


Gently pierce the skin at one end of the splinter and gently push it out. Once the end is showing you should be able to pull it out with the tweezers.


Clean the area

Clean again with soap and water and then apply petroleum jelly. Keep the area covered until it has healed up


How to bring a splinter to the surface

Occasionally a splinter may be too deep to get out with tweezers or a needle. You can make a paste of baking soda and water, apply it to the area and cover with a band aid. After a day or two the splinter will come to the surface of the skin, and you can pull it out then.


Final thoughts

While most splinters can be removed at home and large, deep splinters or any that are in or near to the eyes should be seen by a doctor right away.




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