
How to poach eggs without a poacher

If you are taking care of older clients, then it is very likely that you will be asked to make a poached egg for their tea. Not everyone has a proper egg poacher so you can be left wondering just how to make this delicacy. It is quite easy to do without any special gadgets.

  • Fill a deep pot with water. It needs to be about three inches deep. Ad a splash of vinegar to help set the eggs and a pinch of salt for flavor.
  • If possible, place something under one side of the pot to raise it. This can be a knife handle (nothing that can catch fire) or any stainless-steel utensil. The idea is to have the water contained in one side of the pot.
  • Bring the water to the boil.
  • Crack the egg into a cup or small bowl. Be gentle so as not to break the yolk.
  • Gently pour the egg into the water. Set the timer for 3 ½ minutes. If the egg is too your liking, gently lift it out with a slotted spoon.

Another method for poaching eggs this way is to keep the pot of water flat, bring to the boil, and then start a gentle swirling of the water. You do not want the water to be spinning rapidly, this is simply to provide a middle area where you drop the egg in. Remember that this should be a gentle swirl and not a tornado!

How to tell if your eggs are fresh:

Submerge the eggs in a bowl of water. Those that sink and rest on their sides are fresh. Eggs that tilt upwards are older, and those that float should be discarded.

Final thoughts

The water should be barely simmering and not boiling rapidly.  

Add salt for flavor and vinegar to keep the egg together.

Use the freshest eggs as older eggs will leave you with stringy whites.



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