
How to make a MAR sheet

While most placements you find yourself at will have a MAR sheet (medical administration record) already in place, you may be at a placement where you are the first carer and there is not a MAR sheet in place. It may be up to you to set one in place.

A MAR sheet is a formal record of the administration of medication in the care setting. It can also be used as evidence in any clinical investigation which makes it a very important piece of paper. It is therefore essential that the MAR sheet is not only accurate but up-to-date and clear for anyone to read.

What must be recorded on the MAR sheet?

The MAR sheet needs to be written in ink (so that it cannot be erased), and clear enough to be read easily. It needs to show the following:

  • Product name
  • Strength
  • Dose frequency
  • Quantity
  • Any additional information relevant to the client, such as allergies

MAR sheets should include all medications which have been prescribed for a client, any details as to times they should be taken, and how they are to be taken, namely swallowed, or rubbed on in the case of ointment.

There needs to be a place where you can add medications which are only taken ‘as and when needed’, and these should be indicated as PRN.

When a medication is changed, for example from a tablet to a liquid form, the tablet needs to be removed from the sheet and signed by the person removing it, and the alternative added with amounts, times, and any other indications.

Additionally, any discontinued medications must be signed off and removed from the following MAR sheet. This is to save any confusion down the line about a medication which is no longer needed.

Final thoughts

There are several good examples of MAR sheets online which you can download and print off. It is important to take care when completing them, particularly if you are the first carer. 

Make sure that they are never filled in with a pencil, and any changes are initialed or signed. Keep your MAR sheets in a folder, do not destroy them, and keep them in a safe place where they will not be accidentally disposed of. 



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