Many people feel that they keep forgetting things and this can be annoying to say the least. Scientists say that changing a few things in our daily routine can boost our memory and our learning habits.
It seems that there is a very important connection between certain foods, notably spices, and our brains, and that some spices contribute towards better brain health.
No doubt we have all tasted the sweet smell of cinnamon. In fact, you most likely remember your mom or gran baking with this spice. The entire kitchen would smell delicious!
Cinnamon originated in Asia and is found in so many products in our daily lives. Bagels, toasts, pastries and sometimes breakfast cereals contain cinnamon.
It turns out, according to scientists that there is a large amount of data to suggest a link between cinnamon and improving learning and memory boosting, both potentially for long-term conditions and short-term memory boosting.
An article in the Nutritional Neuroscience showed that researchers at Birjand University of Medical Sciences had reviewed a total of 2,605 previous studies collected from databases like PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Web of Science. They found 40 that fit their criteria.
"The main outcome of most studies ... proved that cinnamon significantly improves cognitive function (memory and learning),"
Additionally, a Harvard study showed that higher intakes of vegetables, fruit and even fruit juice during middle and late adulthood were linked to less memory loss in later life.
In a study carried out by Italian scientists in 2017 it showed that eating chocolate before cognitive tests gave better results and performance in adults. Additionally, a positive memory impact was noted in adults who had memory decline. This is due to the flavanols that are found in chocolate.
In an article last year published in The Times, Dr Drew Ramsey wrote that adding spices such as cinnamon, turmeric, sage, rosemary, and ginger had significant brain health benefits.
Final thought
It seems that changing a few simple eating habits can, and does, make a significant different in our brain health and memory boosting.
As a carer, both you and your client can also benefit from healthy eating habits. Surely, no one needs an excuse to break off a piece of delicious chocolate every so often!
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