
How to keep laundry smelling fresh

We all love that fresh, clean smell of laundry hung out to blow dry in the wind. Unfortunately, not everyone has the advantage of a washing line. Sometimes we have to make do with a tumble drier or even simply a folding clothes hanger to dry things on.

There are some tricks you can use to keep your laundry smelling fresh, even though you may not have a washing line to hang it on.

Use baking soda

You may remember your own mother or even grandmother talking about this – and for a good reason. Baking soda will regulate the pH of the water and leave washing smelling clean. It also brightens colours and cleans bedding and towels very well.

The ideal way to add baking soda to a wash is to mix ½ a cup to the water while it is running and if possible soak your laundry for 30 minutes before turning on the ‘wash’ cycle. Many machines have a soak cycle, and this is ideal for freshening laundry.

If the machine does not have a soak cycle, simply sprinkle the soda into the drum, add the clothes and wash as normal.

Make your own dryer sheets

You will know there are no added chemicals if you make these yourself. All that is needed is a piece of cotton cloth – even an old t-shirt will work. Wet your piece of cloth and then add a few drops of your favourite essential oil. Lavender and orange are perfect choices. Sprinkle the oils over the cloth and add to the dryer during the last 10 minutes.

Dry for slightly longer

Packing even slightly damp linen or clothing away will soon give you a musty smell. It is a good idea, even after you have taken the laundry off the line, to pop it into the drier for an extra five minutes. As little as five minutes can ensure that everything you put away is perfectly dry and has no excess moisture to smell damp.

Practise ‘first in, first out’

This is an excellent way to ensure all linen and clothing is rotated and nothing ever lingers at the back of the cupboard for too long. It also means that freshly laundered linen replaces older items with a fresh infusion every time you do the laundry.



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