
How to keep herbs fresh

Wash them right away

As soon as you get your herbs home from the supermarket you should wash them. Herbs that are left unwashed in the fridge will rot and decay far sooner than those that are washed because of the soil and debris that may be clinging to them. Swirl gently in water then drain and use a salad spinner to dry them. Lay them on paper towels to remove any moisture and pat them dry.

Store correctly

Hardy herbs should be placed on a damp paper towel in a single layer. You should roll them up as you would do a swiss roll then transfer to a ziplock plastic bag and store in the fridge.

Tender herbs should have their ends snipped off as well as any discoloured leaves. Stand in a mason jar with about 1 inch of water in it. Cover the top of the jar with plastic and seal with a rubber band. Store in the fridge.

How to store Basil

This useful herb is easy to store and keep fresh. Simply snip off the ends and place the bunch in a mason jar with about 2 inches of water. 

Keep the Basil at room temperature but not in the sunlight. Basil will last about two weeks when stored this way.

Final thought

Most tender herbs such as cilantro, dill, parsley, mint and tarragon will last between 2-3 weeks stored this way, while hardy herbs such as rosemary, thyme, sage and chives will last around 2 weeks.




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