
How to keep handkerchiefs clean and white

Over time white fabric will become yellowed and stained, not attractive to use, so it is understandable that we may want to get them white again.

There are some factors which will dictate just how clean white handkerchiefs stay after they have been washed.


Be sure to use a detergent that has on the list of ingredients brighteners and enzymes, as well as surfactants. Avoid the ‘bargain basement’ detergents as they may not have these ingredients. You will see if you check the packaging that better detergents often state the purpose of the ingredients.

Don’t skimp

You will seldom have white handkerchiefs if you skimp on detergent as the solution will not be able to do its work. This is particularly important if you add stained items to an extra-large load of washing. They will not come clean. 

Select a hot wash

The higher the temperature, the cleaner your handkerchiefs will be.

Avoid overloading

For clothing of any type to be cleaned you should never overload the washer. All your washing needs to be able to circulate and tumble around freely for optimum cleaning.

Try bleach

Occasionally using bleach in an undiluted form will yellow handkerchiefs but if you are sure that yours are not yellowed from bleach then you may want to try using diluted bleach. If the washer has a bleach dispenser you can add it there or use a bucket and dilute a third cup of bleach with water. Add the handkerchiefs and stand for 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing well.

Final thoughts

There are solutions which you can buy to soak items overnight to whiten, and this is a good option for yellow handkerchiefs. Read the instructions and fully dissolve the agent before adding handkerchiefs. Leave overnight and then rinse in hot water using regular detergent.




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