
How to keep glasses smudge free

There is nothing worse than wearing glasses which are smudged and dirty. In fact, if you need to drive at night this can be dangerous. It is certainly annoying.

One of the reasons for smudges on glasses is because the lenses have been touched with unclean fingers. You should avoid touching your glasses with your hands because the oils from your skin will make smudges. Try to only touch the frames when you put them on and take them off.

How to clean glasses

- First, wash your hands.

- Now, run the glasses under running lukewarm water.

- With clean hands place a drop of dishwashing liquid in the palm of your hands and make a lather.

- With your fingers apply the lather to both sides of the lenses. Do not leave the solution on for more than a few seconds.

- Rinse off thoroughly under running tepid water.

Using a fabric cleanser

Never be tempted to clean your glasses with a tissue or a piece of kitchen paper as both can scratch the lenses. Additionally, using your skirt or shirt will cause any smudges to simply spread around.

Any chemist, supermarket or optician will have lens wipes which are designed to clean lenses. They are inexpensive and will not scratch a lens.

If you do not have any lens wipes then clean, soft cotton fabric is an option as this will remove smudges without damaging the lens.

What about glass cleaners?

It is never a good idea to use a window cleaner on your glasses. While they do a great job on windows, they do not work well on glasses. In fact, window cleaners can damage the lens coating beyond repair, meaning that the glasses will need to be replaced.

Lens cleaning solution can be found at most supermarkets or opticians. Remember that a scratched lens will need to be replaced, so take care when cleaning those smudges. 



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