
How to keep cutlery sparkling clean

There is really nothing worse than starting to set the table and finding that the cutlery is stained and watermarked. On a busy day it is easily done. 

We may get so caught up in our clients routine and needs that the dishes are left to dry in the air. While this may be fine for crockery, cutlery needs a little more attention if it is to look sparkling and clean.

If you are fortunate enough to be with a client who invests in a new set of cutlery, then be sure to wash it in hot water and mild detergent the first time, even before you use it. This will remove any oils which have been used on the items.

After every usage you should try to do this. It is also not a good idea to leave cutlery unwashed for too long as it becomes harder to clean. Further, the acid that is found in food can cause damage to stainless steel cutlery.

How do we keep cutlery sparkling?

  • Wash in hot water as soon after using, with a mild detergent
  • Dry with a lint free soft cloth. Never leave to dry naturally as the detergent will leave marks
  • For dirty cutlery, make a mix of vinegar and water, I part vinegar to 8 parts water and soak the cutlery for about ten minutes. Rinse and dry right away.
  • Another way to clean dirty cutlery is to use bicarbonate of soda. Simply fill a bowl with warm water and add one teaspoon of bicarb. Soak for around 10 minutes then rinse and dry straight away.

For stubborn streaks

You should use one teaspoon of olive oil on a soft cloth and rub gently into the cutlery. This will remove the streaks. Now rinse in warm water and dry right away using a lint free cloth.

Final thoughts

One of the worst things to do to cutlery is to let it dry in the air. 

Even if you let the crockery dry naturally, the cutlery will never be sparkling unless it is dried right away. 

Try to use a lint free cloth to do this and you will be rewarded with sparkling cutlery every time you eat.




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