
How to increase shelf life of tea

While most people store their tea, either tea bags or leaves in a tin in the kitchen, there are some areas where it is not advisable to leave tea as it degrades faster. There are some spots that are good for tea and others which we should avoid.

Both loose leaf tea and tea bags will last up to a year if they are stored correctly and although tea is not considered to be a perishable item, it can lose its flavour, and even go off, if it is stored incorrectly. 

Where should tea be stored?

As a live-in carer you will very likely find tea stored either in a dark cupboard or up on the countertop for easy access. While both are fine places to store tea there are some things to consider to keep the tea fresh.

It’s all about moisture

Moisture is one of the most important things to think about when storing your tea. As we know, when we add water to the tea it releases flavour so that we can make a delicious cup to drink. 

Once moisture is added to either tea leaves or tea bags the flavour is released right away, and the tea becomes tasteless.

It really does not make any difference where you store the tea or tea bags as long as you can keep them dry. 

Placing the tea tin next to the cooker where there is steam from the oven and hot plates is not a good idea. Neither is it a good idea to place the tin in the sun where moisture can build up inside on warm days.

Final thought

If you want to make the tea leaves and bags last as long as possible then make sure to keep them away from moisture, at all times. 

If in doubt, move the tin to a cupboard where there is no chance of dampness and moisture.




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