
How to handle an open sore on your client

It is a fact of life that every so often you or your client may have an open sore. This is different from a bed sore which will require attention from the doctor or district nurse. 

Cuts and bruises are normally a part of everyday life and most of the time are not serious.

How to treat a minor open sore

Wash hands

This will help to prevent any infection.

Staunch the bleeding

Normally minor cuts will stop bleeding on their own. Apply a gentle pressure if needed with a clean cloth or bandage and keep the wound elevated. The bleeding should stop soon. 

Clean the wound

The best way to clean a wound like this is to place it under running water. This will also help to reduce the risk of infection. You can clean the area around the wound with soap although you should be careful not to get soap into the wound.

Never use iodine or hydrogen peroxide on an open wound as this can irritate it.

Remove any dirt and debris with tweezers which have been cleaned with alcohol. If you cannot remove all the dirt, then you should see a doctor.

Keep the surface moist

Once cleaned you can apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment to keep the surface moist. This will help to prevent scarring. Be aware that some people may develop a mild rash and if so, stop using the ointment.

Cover the wound

Rolled gauze, bandages or gauge held in place by paper tape will keep the wound covered and clean. For small wounds such as scrapes or scratches, you can leave the area uncovered.

Change the dressing

You should do this daily or when the dressing gets wet or dirty.

Watch for infection

Any sign of redness, increase in pain in the area, drainage, warmth, and swelling are all signs that an infection is developing and if you see this you should take your client to the doctor right away.

Final thoughts

Minor wounds, cuts and scratches are easily treated at home. However, any wound that does not stop bleeding, or cannot be cleaned should be seen by a doctor a soon as possible. 




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