Everyone gets a cough once in a while and there are several types of cough, all of which need different treatment. The first step to fighting a cough is to work out which type it is.
Chesty coughs are natural reflexes to clear the airways of any irritants. It is a productive cough, which means that you will normally expel mucus or phlegm. This is your body's way of helping to clear any infection.
Chesty coughs are also called ‘wet coughs’ because of the production of mucus and phlegm which is coughed up.
Another symptom of a chesty cough is that the chest may feel heavier than normal, you may run a temperature, wheeze, or even cough up small amounts of blood. If there is any bleeding you should see your doctor right away.
There are some home remedies which may help with a chesty cough:
Make sure you drink plenty of fluids like water, tea, juice and broth as these will help to thin mucus and soothe the throat.
Inhaling steam from a bowl of hot water, or even having a hot shower will help thin mucus. Adding essential herbs such as rosemary and eucalyptus will help breathing.
Cough drops, hard candy and lozenges will all help to promote saliva production and ease a sore throat.
A teaspoon will help to loosen a cough, although avoid giving this to small children.
There are plenty of decongestants that are freely available at the chemist. They will ask you about any allergies before recommending one for you.
Moving will help to shift the mucus and phlegm.
Ideally you should sleep with your head elevated to make breathing easier. Additionally, sleeping on the side will help to drain phlegm.
Even secondhand smoke can irritate the lungs and make coughing worse so avoid wherever you can.
Once you have decided what type of cough you have, there are several ways to relieve it at home. However, if the symptoms do not improve or get worse, then make sure to see your doctor as soon as possible.
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