While we are with our clients, we may spend a good amount of time making sure that they have their affairs in order, with details of what to do in case of death and who to contact. Often, we can get so caught up in this that we forget about our own affairs.
Having our own affairs in order are just as important, particularly as many of us live in other countries and may not even have family in the UK
Simple things like breaking an ankle or loosing you bank cards can become a huge issue if you are ill prepared for them
What to do?
Keep a list of your own next of kin, telephone numbers of anyone who you would want contacted should you pass away.
Remember, that just as when your client passes away, all becomes confusion for a while, it could be the same if you were to unexpectedly pass away. Family and your agency must have a way to contact your loved ones as soon as possible.
With a little bit or organization and a decent filing system you will find that keeping your own affairs in order sets your mind at rest.
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