
How to get coffee stains off teeth

Coffee can stain both the clear plaque on teeth as well as the enamel. Stains on clear plaque are easily removed with brushing, but stains on enamel are more difficult to remove and you may need to use a professional whitening treatment.

Effective ways to remove coffee stains

Brush and floss

Doing this twice a day with a toothpaste containing whitening ingredients like baking soda is a good place to start. Flossing between teeth will remove stained debris.

Use baking soda

Mix a small amount of baking soda with water to form a paste. Use the paste to gently brush your teeth for about a minute, then rinse thoroughly. Because baking soda has abrasive properties it will help to remove stains, but should not be used more than twice a week so that you avoid damaging the enamel.

Oil pulling

Using an oil such as coconut or sesame you should swish around your mouth for about 15 minutes. Coconut oil contains antimicrobial properties which help to freshen breath and reduce plaque.

Professional whitening

Ideally this should be done by a dentist who will have advanced technology to remove stains. They will inform you of the best method for your individual needs.

How to prevent staining

  • Rinse your mouth after every cup of coffee, using plain water.
  • Chew sugar free gum which contains xylitol to inhibit the growth of bacteria.
  • Stick to dental check ups, at least twice a year to clean your teeth and advise you on dental health.

Final thoughts

Coffee stains can be very unsightly on teeth but fortunately most are easily removed and with a little care can be prevented in the future.




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