
How to fix a laptop that won’t turn on

It can be very frustrating when our laptops do not work as we want them to. For some live-in carers this is the only way of keeping in touch with family and friends. Not to mention booking trains and flights, so when things go wrong it can be quite stressful.

Normally it is possible to fix most glitches successfully but what happens when the laptop refuses to turn on at all?

There are some home hacks that you can try for if you have a completely blank screen with absolutely nothing lighting up.

Check the power

Now, you may think that this is a silly suggestion, but you should check that your laptop has been plugged in and the switch turned on at the wall. 

You should, once the laptop is plugged in and the power turned on, find an indication on the laptop that there is power to it. This may only be one or two tiny light indicators, but this will tell you if the laptop is receiving power. 

Sometimes a laptop will shut down when it drops below a certain power level – another reason to see if it has power to it.

Look for any brightness

Older laptops may not be as bright as newer versions so try adjusting the brightness a few times. This may just be the reason why you don’t see anything. The brightness sensor may need recalibrating.

Unplug all those external drives

Unplug everything except the power cable. Remove all external hard drives and hardware before trying to turn the laptop on again.

Now check the battery

There is always a chance that the battery is damaged and is no longer charging the laptop. Only remove the battery if it is easy to do so. 

Many newer laptops have batteries which are not designed to be removed and you should leave these alone.

If you can remove the battery, do so and leave it out for about five minutes before replacing it as you found it. Plug in the power cable and try to start the laptop.

Drain all the power

Sometimes this is the only way to kick start a laptop. Batteries can weaken over time and stop working. Unplug the power and remove the battery or leave the laptop for at least 24 hours so that the internal battery can run down.

Once the power is drained, hold down the Power button for 30 seconds before plugging the power cable back or reinstalling the battery. Try to turn on as normal.

The paper clip hack

This may work with older machines although you may not find an insertion point on newer machines. 

The tiny hole has an image that looks like a set of headphones next to it. You should straighten a paperclip, insert it and hold for 30 seconds or until the screen lights up. Release right away and follow the prompts to restart.

Still no luck?

This is now the time to find an electronics store and drop your laptop off. If you have not managed to turn it on by now, you should leave it with a professional to try.  




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