It is a sad fact that one of the most common causes of hospitalization in people over 65 is due to dehydration. It is also true that there are some medications which need correct hydration to work correctly.
Ideally, we would all want our clients to drink enough throughout the day for there to be no hydration issues. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
Here are some ideas to keep your client hydrated, often without them even realizing it.
Water is not the only source
You don’t need to drink water as the only way to stay hydrated. Many foods contain water, particularly fruits, which can be made into delicious smoothies and soups.
Keep a cup at hand
Make sure that your client always has a glass or cup of water at hand. Simply seeing the glass there may be what they need to sip a little every so often.
Try different temperatures
Even in hot weather, some people may prefer a nice cup of tea. Don’t think that because it is hot, they will only want cold drinks. This also works the opposite way, never assume that because it is cold, your client will only want hot drinks.
Try savoury
Some people prefer a savoury drink rather than a sweet drink such as cocoa. If your client enjoys this, then offer a cup of warm water with Marmite dissolved in it. Some older people actually grew up drinking warm water with stock cubes in!
Make ice lollies
In the very hot weather, your client may enjoy sucking on an ice lolly. You can buy them in delicious flavours and enjoy whenever your client wants.
Smoothies and milkshakes
These are excellent ways to increase liquid in a diet. You can also try some of the many sports drinks available, along with milkshakes to add liquid.
Final thoughts
As the days get hotter, it is important to keep your client hydrated. Keep an open mind about what they will drink and be prepared to change things a little. If your client really does not like one thing then it is no good pushing it, there are plenty of other options they may prefer.
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