Even though you may be an experienced live-in carer, you may still feel those jitters before a brand-new placement. Certainly, if you are heading off to your very first placement, you may be somewhat anxious about how things will work out.
There are some things that can make you feel less anxious and even help you to settle in faster.
Listen, look, and learn
Unless you know more than the outgoing carer, then you may want to pay attention to her and what she has to say. After all, she’s been there for longer than you have, knows the client and possibly all their quirks and issues.
The less you interrupt her, the more you will mentally absorb about the placement, and while it may seem that there is far too much to take in, if you focus on the client, the handover, and the present you will absorb more than you realize.
Don’t compare clients
Truthfully, no one is really interested in how you coped with your previous client as each client is different. There may be similarities, but each situation is unique.
You may compare clients to yourself but be prepared to listen to the outgoing carer, rather than spend time talking about previous placements.
Also, remember that the outgoing carer may be wanting to catch a train and plane so try not to hold things up for her.
Take time to talk
After the outgoing carer has left, you may want to (for as much as it is possible) spend a little time talking to your new client. You can do this quietly over a cup of tea, when you are both relaxed and calm.
Even with a client who has limited conversation you can still spend a little time talking to them about yourself and simply reassuring them that all is well.
Ask about foods they like and do not like, daily schedules, family visits, any issues they may have with daily routines. Unless things are written down (and these days many agencies have online logs) you may want to make some notes for yourself.
Keep in touch
Most live-in carers are very happy to help after they have left so if you really do have some things that you need help with them make sure that you ask them, rather than battle on by yourself.
Final thoughts
Most placements will go smoothly after the handover if you listen, take notes if you need to, and approach things calmly.
Never try to take over as this will only promote animosity. Rather, start off quietly and calmly and you will soon find yourself very comfortable in your new placement.
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