
How to deal with dry skin

As the warm weather continues live-in carers may notice that clients skin becomes dry, particularly around heels and ankles. Skin can become itchy and flake, occasionally bleeding.

To follow the same skin routine all year may not be as effective in the dry months as it is at other times of the year.

How can we heal dry skin?

  • Use warm water instead of hot when you bath or shower
  • Limit the time in bath or shower to no more than ten minutes
  • Use a mild soap or shower gel
  • Blot skin gently, not firmly, on getting out
  • Slather on a good moisturizer right after you have dried the area

Strange as it may sound, bathing and showering can worsen dry skin, which is why dermatologists recommend no longer than 10 minutes.

Use a moisturizer as soon as the area is dry. Ointments and creams are better than lotions and less irritating.

What’s the best cream?

Make sure you use a cream which contains one or more of the following ingredients:

  • Glycerine
  • Lanolin
  • Jojoba oil
  • Dimethicone
  • Mineral
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Shea butter

And avoid products with these:

  • Alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA)
  • Alcohol
  • Fragrances 

When you avoid these products, you will find that your skin retains more of its natural oils and stays moist for longer.

Final thoughts

Dry skin can be painful if the area starts to bleed, particularly if it is the feet area. Keep a close check on your client’s feet, as well as your own and take steps to sort out any dry areas as soon as you see them.



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