
How to deal with draughty windows

While new windows are certainly an asset to every house, they do not last forever. As a live-in carer you may find yourself in a placement where the windows are less than perfect, and while this may be bearable in the summer months, it may not be acceptable in the winter.

There is nothing worse than sitting in your room trying to relax, only to have a cold draught down your back because the windows do not seal. 

Bearing in mind that the house belongs to your client, and you cannot make permanent alterations to it, there are still some things that we can to to seal those windows, particularly in the carer bedroom.

Change curtains

Ask your client or family if they have any thick curtains that they are not using. This is the quickest and maybe the most effective way of sealing a room against a draught. Even better if the curtains are lined as this will be added protection.

Line the window

You can buy a window film which is easily lined across the window, totally sealing it against the elements. This is a very good way but possibly one disadvantage is that you cannot open the window while the film is in place.

Foam tape

You can buy this at most DIY stores and it easy to use. You cut the foam tape to size and fit it over the places where the wind comes in. 

Bubble wrap

Bearing in mind that glass is not a good insulator, having a layer of bubble wrap over it can not only keep the draught out but also add a little warmth to the room. 

The good thing about bubble wrap is that it will stick to glass without using any other adhesive, so you can cut the pieces to fit a window and press them into place. To stick even better spray the window with a very light spray and then press the bubble wrap onto the glass.

Final thoughts

Most older houses are draughty and have windows that do not seal properly, but there is no reason why you should not be warm in your bedroom. Talk to the family and ask if they can invest in either a set of warm curtains or some sort of window insulation. 

Even if you have to finance this yourself, it is all relatively cheap to do and well worth it to keep the room free from draughts.



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