
How to clean a glass top hob

It is very annoying to arrive at a placement to find that the glass hob is dirty and stained. Unfortunately, this happens frequently because people may not know how to clean glass hobs. They can be an eyesore when they are covered with grease and burned on foods.

How do we keep glass hobs looking good?

  • Wipe after every use. Never let a day go by without wiping the top. Any spills will harden and be burned on the next time the heat is turned on. Even a hob that looks clean can have a film of grease on it.
  • Use the right stuff. You need to use a spray which is designed for cutting grease. You also need one that is designed for glass hobs, so make sure that the label states this.
  • Vinegar is an alternative. If there is no hob cleaner you can also resort to full strength white vinegar. This will cut through grease when gently wiped over.
  • Apply solution then buff. You should use a soft cloth or a paper towel to rub the cleaning solution in and then another one to buff up the glass.

How to remove heavy deposits

Ideally you should use a cream solution for this, rather than a spray. Creams contain a gentle abrasive which will help loosen burned on foods.

Apply with a soft cloth or paper towel. Rub in a circular motion to remove the food.

Rinse with a damp cloth and buff dry. You can also sprinkle baking soda on and rub in with a soft cloth and then rinse off and buff dry.

Final thoughts

Make sure that you remove all the cleaning compound before you start to cook again. If it is not removed, you will find that the kitchen starts to smell, and the cleaning compound becomes another stuck on substance.



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