I’m sure every live-in carer, as well as many clients, have walked into a room and forgotten why they came in. Worse, so many people have searched the house high and low because they have misplaced keys.
Memory lapses happen to most people at one time or another and a good memory does not simply happen by itself.
Fortunately, there are ways that we can work to improve our memory and keep our skills sharp, no matter what our age.
Lack of sleep
Certain medications
Nutritional deficiencies
In our clients memory lapse may be caused by more serious conditions such as Dementia, but when this is not a reason then there may be many other reasons for occasional memory lapses.
Here are some ways to sharpen your memory and even help your client to improve their memory.
Challenging your brain to learn a new thing such as a new puzzle or even a new language will stimulate changes in the brain.
Do crossword puzzles, play sudoku, build a jigsaw puzzle – activities like these will always be beneficial.
Now we may argue that being live-in carers means that we are active most of the day, but this is different to being active for our health.
Go for a walk, jog if you like, try dancing, join a local gym. All these are beneficial to keeping the brain active.
A healthy diet will go a long way to keeping your brain in good condition but if you want to get rid of brain fog and memory lapses then consider including foods rich in omega 3. Think about tuna, salmon, and mackerel, all of which are excellent sources.
Apart from these three ways, it is always a good idea to get a decent night’s sleep, even though for some people this may be difficult.
Keeping in touch with friends and family is yet another way to strengthen the neural connections in the brain, as well as keeping positive through the day.
With some changes there is no reason why even as we age, we cannot maintain a good memory.
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