
Can I take my own pet?

This question may only affect you if you are a live-in carer and reside in the UK. If you live in another country, obviously your pet will stay there while you work.

If you live in the UK and have a pet, you may well ask if you can bring it with you. Even with agencies, this is a grey area, so let’s look at some scenarios.

It depends on the type of pet

If you have a pet that will be happy staying in your room and your room only, that does not take up any of the time you need to spend with your client, and that you can keep under control at all times, then yes, you could possibly bring your pet with you – if your client agrees.

This rather narrows the field down as to which pet you can bring. Your goldfish or budgie will be fine. Your pet snake and spider – possibly not. Your cat and pooch – no.

Why not?

While your pet snake or spider may appeal to you, they most likely will not appeal to your client or their families. The chance of escape – even though it may be low – will still not appease them into having a snake or spider around the house.

Your dog and cat will need attention, and quite a lot of it. Dogs need to be walked and toileted outside. Cats, even with a litter tray, need attention. If not, your bedroom will start to smell badly, something that the family may not like too much.

Think about safety

Through all your induction training you will have been focused on safety. The safety of your client is of prime importance. The last thing that you or your client needs is for your pet to trip them up. Most people you will be caring for will be elderly and possibly use a walking frame or stick to get around.

The slightest bump from your pooch will send them tumbling over. Even a cat will cause them to wobble and possibly trip.

If there is a wheelchair involved, you may find that your pooch literally gets run over. This will mean a visit to the vet as the weight of a wheelchair will more than likely break some bones in your poor dog’s foot.

What would be even worse is if your dog were to become aggressive at the wheelchair (this often happens with dogs and wheels) and he nips your client. In this instance you may find that you are given an ultimatum by family to take your pooch home or leave with him.

To sum up

Some things are simply not worth doing and this is one of them. Far better to leave your dog or cat with a friend or in a kennel where they will be looked after, not run off and not be the cause of someone falling. If your client falls, they will more than likely end up in hospital with you and your pet to blame.

Do the best things and keep your pet at home, even if it is a goldfish or budgie!



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